
10 quick tips on writing great web copy

Your web copy is your opportunity to capture new customers and keep your existing customers happy. To do that, your content needs to be easily consumable and memorable.

Choose your words carefully

Writing for the web is a specific skill, and it requires you to understand what your customers want and expect when they arrive on your site. This is your opportunity to capture new customers and keep your existing customers happy. To do that, your content needs to be easily consumable and memorable. Here are 10 tips to achieve just that:

  1. Title
    Open with an eye catching title that offers to solve a problem or entertain the reader. Make it punchy and intriguing.

  2. Start at the end
    Lead with your conclusion. Make your stance clear, and then follow with quality detail.

  3. Break it up
    Write content that is easy to scan. Use headings, lists, and bullets to break up text.

  4. Use white space
    Keep paragraphs to 2-3 sentences, and ensure you have lots of white space. Large slabs of text are tough to focus on for a decent period of time.

  5. Be brief
    Keep it concise and use short sentences.

  6. Think of your reader
    Keep your audience in mind when you are writing, and write what they want to know. What questions would they have? Why are they visiting your site?

  7. Give it away 
    Provide more value than your reader would expect. Give your knowledge away for free to build trust and authority.

  8. Use plain English 
    Don’t use jargon or acronyms if you can help it (and if you must use them, explain what they mean on their first appearance on the page).

  9. Be chatty 
    Write in a conversational tone. Read it aloud to a colleague. Does it sound natural? If not, rewrite it. Avoid jargon and marketing speak.

  10. Reader first; SEO distant second 
    Focus on the reader rather than the search engines. There is no use being the number 1 result in Google if your content is indecipherable or impractical. By all means, include search terms in your text, but only where they are appropriate and natural.
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Raels Robertson

Raels Robertson

Raels is managing director of Mettro. She is a highly experienced business strategist and design visionary.

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