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What Does Great Niche Site Content Look Like?

Creating Your Keyword List with SpyFu

Grouping Your Keywords With ClusterAI

Researching Article Ideas With The Hitlist Template

The Different Types of Content to Write

The Niche System 2.0 - Module 4: Content Research

What Does Great Niche Site Content Look Like?

What Does Great Niche Site Content Look Like?


Think of you content like chapters in a book

Think of your niche sites content like a book, and each article as a chapter in that book. 

When you read a book, do you recommend a book because it has one great chapter, and several boring ones, or do you recommend it because the book as a whole is amazing.

A great book takes you on a journey, builds up character stories through supporting information about their lives, their troubles etc.

Niche site content should be the same. If you write a piece of content, a pillar post, that is amazing, you can't leave that "chapter" out by itself. You need to support it with other content that is relavent to that article.

You can do this by combining the keyword clustering we did in early lessons, along with understanding what your reader will most likely ask next after reading an article.

You want to take them on that same journey you get when reading a book, keeping them on your site longer, viewing more pages, and hence earning more income.

Have a question about anything covered in this lesson, or want to leave us some feedback (tell us what you liked too)... you can leave a comment below.

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